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What is your HR Leverage Point?


The HR Building Blocks series is your shortcut to implementing HR best practices in your business.  Take the quiz now to find out where to start to create the most leverage for your growing business or non-profit.

Putting down your HR building blocks allows you to

>> Make employment decisions faster and with more confidence


>>  Be more YOU, living out your values while leading your team


>> Stop feeling like you have to control EVERYTHING to be profitable


>> Have more peace of mind knowing you are following law that apply to your size business


>> Turn employees into fans, excited to talk about what they do at work

In order for a company to thrive, there HAS TO BE management system clarity.  Instead of offering one-size-fits-all solutions for every HR crisis, I've developed a course for each overarching HR system.


With HR Building Blocks you'll develop and understanding of best practices in HR management based on employment law, social sciences, and psychology.  You will unlock the secret HR language that will attract and keep your ideal employees.


Choose from 7 different courses; one for each of the top HR policy areas

Who are your people?

How do you find them?

What does their first day look like?

The relationships that keep people around

Mobilizing your resources to reward them

Discipline & Terminations (yikes!)

Medical Leave and Emergency Preparedness

Follow the links to find out more. . .

Choose Your Building Bock

I want to share everything I know about HR with you.

Deep insight into your HR identity (aka HR Building Blocks) simplifies decision-making and fosters strong bonds between your company and your people.  When you build a management system based in HR best practices and your unique community vision, you'll attract and keep the perfect employees for you.


When you help people with your work, it creates a ripple effect of impact and possibility.  That's why I'm SO excited for the opportunity to help even more people, and make the future a little brighter for all of us.


Introducing HR Building Blocks

In-depth insights and actionable steps to make your management system more true to YOU.

HR Building Blocks

With 7 different courses based on best practices to choose from, you'll get ideas and insight that are *actually* relevant to your business.  By leaning into your natural strengths and innate advantages, you can stop being who you think you're supposed to be and focus on who you really are, and how you show up at your best.


Want to hear the best part?

Qualified, dream employees are attracted to that clarity like a magnet.

I'm not here to tell you what your company is - 

I'm here to teach you how to fortify it and show it off.

With a clear, impactful HR system your company can become it's best, truest self. . . 

and attract it's most valuable and loyal employees or future leaders.


Who made you the 'master' of HR anyway?

Well, actually Penn State. . . but really I didn't invent best practices in Human Resources - they are proven psychology, social science, and legal methods to help reduce your business's risk while keeping your valuable employees.


I wouldn't consider myself anything special, buuuuuuut I've successfully guided over 100 organizations using this practice.  I can't wait to share what I've discovered with you.

Want the whole thing?

For those of you wanting to really get down with HR, I'm offering all the HR Building Blocks at a discounted rate.

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