Hi. My name is Candice Elliot, and I am a human resources strategist. I help business owners to develop holistic human resources systems. Today we're going to talk about interview questions and three types of questions that are generally used in interviews. The first kind of question is the experiential question, or you can think of it as a factual question. An example of this is, "Tell me about your work experience and how it applies to this job that you're applying for." This gives us a person the chance to tell you about every single little thing that they have done that would apply to the work that they would do for you, but it also allows them to summarize categories of work and how it relates to this job.
You can glean from the person what they really understand about the position that they're applying for with this kind of a question. You're learning about their history, their understanding of the job and how they would fit into the company. Another kind of a question that often appears in interviews is this situational question. An example of this is, "Tell me about a time when you have been over your head at work. How did you deal with it or not deal with it?" You give the person, you can give them a specific situation that happens in your work environment often and ask them basically how they would deal with it. This helps you to understand how a person thinks about [00:02:00] difficulties in the workplace and overcoming them. There're all kinds of fun situational questions that you can ask. The third kind of a question that I see often in interviews that I really love is the out of the box question.
This is a question, it often happens at the beginning of an interview or sometime in the middle, where you're breaking the ice or you're getting in further to understanding the person and who they are. Let's see an example of this, I worked for a company called the Glass Jar Restaurant Group and they had an ice cream shop that was called The Penny Ice Creamery. I would ask people, what's your favorite kind of ice cream at this shop? Then you know have they actually had the ice cream, do they even like ice cream? You can come up with some out of the box question that's related to your work.
I have worked with some people who are in construction and architecture and housing and for them asking questions about style and design, like, "If you were to be a particular style of architecture, which one would you be and why?" These out of the box questions help you get to know the personality of the person that you're interviewing and hopefully break down some of the initial barriers and nervousness that there are in interviews. I hope that it helps you understand some different kinds of interview questions that there are. I'm going to be providing you all with a list of interview questions that I commonly use. Then some more unique ones that you can add to your repertoire. Thank you for joining me today. Bye.