Hi there. My name is Candice Elliot, and I am a human resources strategist. Today I'm going to be talking with you about five proven ways to get the word out about your job. You're at this point where you have a job, and now you really need someone to be working it. I was in this position not that long ago, so I really feel where you're coming from here. The first way, or one way, a step towards bringing people into your company and to get them to apply for your position is to talk to your former staff.
If you have had staff before that worked out well for you, and you now have a position open, let them know that it's available. They may be at a point in their life where they're ready to come back to work for you, or maybe you have a position that's a more advanced position than the one that they held with you before. Perhaps their work experience has made them qualified for that in the interim. Former staff are great if they are available for your job. They all have networks and a lot of your former staff, I'm sure, have wonderful professional friends who would also be lovely to work with. There are two ways that former staff can be helpful in bringing you candidates.
The next way that you can get the job out there is through your network. I am sure that you have a email subscriber list, list of clients, if you are on any boards of directors, or if you have a board of directors for your organization, these are all great ways to get information about jobs out there into the community. You can do a special email to people [00:02:00] or a special notification just saying we have this job available. This is the way that people can apply. If you know of anyone in your networks, please tell them to apply for our job. Then also, if you wouldn't mind, please let your people know because we would love to work with them.
That's the second one is using your network. The third one is social media. I'm just talking initially about social media posts so posting on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook. Spending your time on the types of social media that your employees use. If your employees are not really on Facebook, then don't worry about spending so much time there, but if they're definitely on Instagram, then spend a little bit more of your time there. LinkedIn works really well for clerical or professional positions, positions that require levels of education. These kinds of ads can easily be converted into job ad posts if you want to fund those posts on those platforms in the future.
Generally, I start out with the least expensive options for recruiting for a position, followed by more and more expensive options as time goes on. If I can spend less money and get great candidates, that's my preference. If I'm not seeing great candidates even though I have a good job ad and all the other things are working, then I'll start spending more and more money to bring in the candidates. Also, if I have just like a huge number of positions that are open, and I know I'm going to hire, for say, five of a position for one job ad, then I'll just go right out the gate [00:04:00] and spending more on that.
That brings us, now that we have gone through all of the options that are the least expensive ones, to the ones that cost a little bit of money. The first type of way to promote a job that I consider in the spending money realm is to offer an employee referral incentive. For your current staff who refer someone who becomes an employee of the company, I'd like to offer a bonus, both to the current employee and the person who's hired. I work with a restaurant group who currently gives $100 to the person who makes the referral and $50 to the person who starts working for the company, but they do require that both of them work for the company for three months before they can earn that money.
There are a few different ways to do these kinds of referral incentives and you don't have to require that anybody waits any amount of time. You can just give the money right once people are hired, or you can make people wait longer or shorter, but an employee referral incentive is really a way to reward your current employees and then also to get people to stay with the company longer.
Then the last, the fifth type of way that you can attract candidates to you through ads is through paid services. That's ZipRecruiter, LinkedIn, Facebook job ads, Craigslist, college job boards, local job boards. There's a lot of different kinds, Indeed where you can pay to have your job hosted on these websites so that people can find it. To be [00:06:00] the most effective with the funds that you have available, I generally say to try out different kinds of jobs on these different kinds of websites one at a time until you figure out which one is getting you the best results, and then you move forward with that one.
I've posted hundreds, if not thousands of jobs, on all of these different kinds of platforms so if you have a particular kind of job, and you're not really sure where to post it or not post it or if it's worth it, or how much to make your weekly budget, feel free to reach out. I'm happy to just give you a little bit of guidance there. I hope this helps you think maybe a little bit out of the box about ways that you can attract your ideal employee. Until next time, take care and I hope that you find your perfect person for your job.