"We have systems and beliefs founded in systems that say that we have to do business a certain way. We have to treat this as an ethical problem of mistreatment of humans." - Faith Clarke
Faith Clarke and I discuss
-The distinction between engagement with work, and engagement with community at work
-Contrasting working "for" and working "with"
-How delegating actually increases turnover
-Decoupling humans as resources in your business, and supporting the wellbeing of humans who work
Want to uncover what's at the root of your early turnover? Faith is offering a workshop to help teams understand their obstacles and create a plan for alignment. Learn more and apply here: https://forms.gle/THW7ttokPE1Q6GZC9
If you need to make a business case for prioritizing people, share some data with me, and I'll give you your Turnover BEAST calculation (how much it costs you to lose people): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1am18...
This video is the third in a series of 4 videos. One will be released each week in November 2022.
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