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BB: Identifying Employees Who are not The Right Fit


Hi. My name is Candice Elliot, and I am a human resources strategist. I work in a system of human resources that looks at all of your company's systems around people management in order to attract and keep people with you for as long as possible, but today we're going to be talking about terminations and making the decision to let someone go. Despite all of your best efforts and maybe all of your manager's best efforts and the efforts of the employee who you've hired, it may be that you hire someone who just isn't the right fit for the company. You may have had them go through an in-person interview, and a job trial interview, and a panel interview, and made them an offer, and then started training with them. Then once you started training, it was like, "Oh, things are not really working here."

Then, so you do a little more training and then you're like, "Oh, well hopefully this person will get it. I've gone through this whole process. I really want them to work out well." It's really, really important that if you hire someone who isn't the right fit to let them go early, the earlier the better. Provide them with training. Make sure that they're trained for their position. Make sure that you've given them the same training that you would've given to anyone else. Then if they're not able to perform at the same capacity as other people, and there's nothing else going on that's weird, it's just they can't do the job, or they can't show up on time, or they don't care to show up on time, or they're calling out of work [00:02:00] often and

there's not a reason for it. Or they just are not able to do the job. For some reason, they're not able to do it. It is better to let go of that person sooner, rather than later. The more you wait and the more time you give, the more things can go wrong. I see it time and time again, where the decision is made to keep a person who just isn't working out because there isn't someone else to take the position or maybe if we just do a little bit longer then it will work out.

It's funny, someone I used to work for said, "You're giving someone a job. That's a time for them to show you that they can do the work. You're giving them resources, monetary resources, time resources. You're giving them access to information in your company. You're giving them access to customers, access to lots of things. If they're not at the standard that you need them to be, then it really is better to get rid of them, to remove them from the company sooner, rather than later."

It's a hard decision to make, but generally, when you let go of someone from a position that they aren't the right fit for, it ultimately ends up better for your company and for the person who wasn't the right fit. They will find something that is more what they're looking for in a workplace. You will find a person for the position that fits well. That said, when you're making decisions around terminations, it's very, very, very important to think about other factors that may be at play [00:04:00] that you may not immediately think about. It's important to think about if there are levels of training that this person may need to bring them up to a base level in order to perform the position that you may not need to have given to other people, and then to consider if it's feasible for your company to provide that training.

Say you hire someone to be a cashier and they're having trouble counting money and they can't count money. Is it feasible for your business to spend the time, to teach them, to make sure that they understand how to count money in order for them to work on the register at your business? Or is that a minimum qualification for the position that your company isn't going to be able to spend time training on? So, you let go with the person. Other situations to be aware of are any health situations. If there's anything medically going on with the person and they are relating that to their work, then it's best to tread carefully there. If the person has reported any unfair labor practices to you, that's another thing to be paying attention to if you're considering a termination. If the person has experienced any harassment or discrimination while working for you and has reported it to you, those are other things to consider if you're planning a termination. Then in those cases, I would reach out to legal counsel to get their guidance on how to move forward. I'm going to be talking about the actual termination in one of the later videos that this is just that first part of like, how do I decide to do this if I'm going to do this? [00:06:00] I hope that helps. Thank you.


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