Education is a key step in the fight to end racism. On Jan. 12, 2021, Anneliese A. Singh, Ph.D., LPC, author, professor and Associate Provost for Diversity and Faculty Development at Tulane University, helped raise our race-consciousness by challenging stereotypes, reframing the history of racism and its impact on our lives, and share why healing from racism is an integral part of dismantling it, along with speaker Doug Osborne, M.A., health educator, Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium and moderator Jennifer Nash, vice president, corporate solutions and capacity building, Points of Light. Attendees learned strategies for self-reflection, how oppression happens and the steps to becoming a racial ally.
Seek the Truth about Racism. Learn the history of how systemic racism – specifically anti-Black racism and indigenous erasure – impacted the land where you live, the workplace and/or school you attend, and the history of our country.
Take Action on Systemic Racism Locally. Share your developing knowledge about systemic racism with others to spark crucial conversations about dismantling racism right where you live and work – and cultivate humility as you do so. Develop accountability groups and strategic plans to address racial inequities with clear outcomes delineated. Make sure you are centering actions on anti-Black racism and indigenous erasure.
Engage in Everyday Reparative Work with Racism. Make sure your everyday work on dismantling racism where you live and work is tied to reparations. There are real and persistent resource gaps and accessibility barriers for financial and other needs BIPOC people have as a result of intergenerational racism. Reparations can and should come in the form of money and resources, and should also show up in the everyday actions of believing BIPOC folx when they share about their experiences of racism, and serving as sponsors (not saviors!) for BIPOC folx by removing barriers and increasing access within your organizations and communities.
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